又見面咯,希望你們一切都好。如果你看過我上一篇 時間都跑到哪了(如果沒有,那麼去看一看,文章不長,一兩分鐘就能看完),你們就會對我目前朝向時尚攝影方面發展有所瞭解。你也會到我在時尚拍攝及圖像創作過程中不斷探索,嘗試創新的樂趣。總體來說,整個過程我很開心,同時盡了最大努力推進自己, 讓自己和團隊發揮到最大的學習潛能。然後龍太太對我說了一句話我覺得蠻對的(經常她說的都是對的),“沒參加這個課程前你的作品比較優秀。”她的意思並不是指我的攝影技術問題,而更多的是我有所改變的審美問題。儘管我覺得我對燈光、攝像機和團隊協作的掌控有所進步,但是我嘗試了不連貫的路線。這樣的嘗試本身而言是沒有害的,但我是一名專業的攝影師, 這些實驗並沒有產生實際的價值。所以,雖然在技術上我進步了,但是我把很多事情複雜化,迷失了一點方向。

Hello again, I hope you are well and all that good stuff. If you read my last blog (I hope you did, and if you didn't, well off you go, read it and we will see you back here in a minute or two, it's short don't stress.), you will be kind of up to speed with my move toward the fashion world. You'll have seen I got experimental and enjoyed myself exploring my capabilities and understanding of image making. Basically I had been having fun and pushing myself, my team and my learning curve close to the max. Then Mrs. L said something to me, and she was right (as is often the case). She said, "your work was better before you started this course.". She didn't mean technically, more aesthetically, I had veered somewhat. Although I felt my skills with lighting, my cameras, and directing my team were better, I had drifted off down some path of incoherent experimentation. In itself, this is no bad thing, but it doesn't bring the bread in, and I am a professional after all. So, yes I had grown as a photographer, but I had also been over complicating things, and loosing direction. 

既然決定了要多拍攝商業性時尚攝影,我知道我必須考慮產品及其代表的時尚流行。當然,我也不會放棄了人物肖像拍攝,因為我喜歡與人一起工作,並為他們拍攝。當然拍實驗性質的創造作品也是不錯的 但應該是在我有時間, 不然就是當一個具有創造性刊物允許我這樣做的時候吧

Having decided I want to shoot more commercial fashion, I know I must think about the product, the fashion. Of course I will continue with my love of portraiture, I guess I like to work with and photograph people. It is also good to shoot more experimental creative work, but on my time, or when a more creative publication allows me to really go for it.


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