目前分類:國家地理雜誌出差後記 (3)

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騎了一天雖很美但需要專注力一百的曲沿山路, 我疲累的身軀非常期待來到太魯閣晶英酒店. 太魯閣晶英酒店在我心中有個很特別的位置. 我第一次到台灣旅遊就跟龍太太來這裡住了幾晚. 在那之後我也很幸運的回來太魯閣遊玩, 住了晶英幾次. 所以真的蠻期待快點到, check in, 好好休息一下, 回顧這兩天的經歷, 並規劃後續路程.


Having ridden all day and over some challenging roads which demanded constant and complete concentration, I was feeling tired and very much looking forward to arriving at Silks Place Taroko. Silks Place holds a special place in my heart, Mrs.L and I stayed there during my first ever visit to Taiwan. I have been fortunate enough to return a number of times since, and was looking forward to some peace, a rest from the road and a chance to contemplate the journey past, and ahead.


就騎在太魯閣山路中, 我遇到了兩個也正在機車環島的英國人. 在交談的過程中一台載著遊客的遊覽巴士停在我們旁邊, 然後我們三個外國人就被要求一起入鏡……真搞不懂在這麼雄偉的風景區竟然不拍風景要拍我們這三隻? 然後被他們亂了一下也忘記三個人一起自拍, 慶祝我們的緣分. 但我跟JJ Jamie 現在在臉書上已經是好朋友, 常常聯繫.

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我必須承認及道歉這篇文章整整拖了一年才開始寫. 原因除了其它工作忙之外, 還有因為這次用重型機車(大綿羊)環美麗的台灣旅程真的需要一些時間來消化, 吸收. 這次的環島不只是藉由英國國家地理雜誌旅遊家(National Geographic Traveller UK) 與幫SYM三陽機車出任務的機會騎在台灣大大小小美麗蜿蜒的路上, 沿路欣賞旖旎風景, 也是一個自我啟發思索的一場旅行. 發現自己一個人在一個不是出生地的國家, 些許突然閃過的認知及學習活在當下的領悟.

I have to confess and apologise as this has taken me over a year to get around to writing. The reason for this is that it has taken me this long to really absorb the wonderful journey that I went on, a journey that took me all around Taiwan. The journey was not just about riding beautiful roads on my scooter and seeing amazing things, making a photographic essay for Nat Geo Traveller or shooting a campaign for SYM. It was a journey for me too, one of discovery, discovery about myself, being alone in a foreign country, the thoughts and realisations that come to you in these moments, and most importantly learning to be in that moment. 


這是我的三陽MaxSYM600iABS 大綿羊. 在這環島的13天中, 我們總共騎超過2000英里, 從海邊到超過海面3000公尺山上, 騎過各種路況的旅程. 她雖然不算是最纖細, 但真的是一台舒適, 可靠及穩固的大速克達. 車座椅下的置物處也有很多空間, 加上外加的行李廂, 足足讓我可以裝旅程的行李及相機設備.


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Many of you who have been reading my blogs will already know that I had the honour of being asked to judge The National Geographic Traveller UK (NGTUK) Photography Competition. The more I think about this, the more proud I am that I had this experience, that my level of photography and skill as a photographer is considered high enough to be able to judge other peoples work and in such a highly regarded publication. I would like to say a big thank you to all at NGTUK for this opportunity, all those who have supported me along this path, and a special recognition to Roger Hickman who is sadly no longer with us, but influences me still, he was a great Tutor.


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