
是的,我個人的新網站終於塵埃落定。最近幾個月太忙了,我把網站的事情放在了一邊,然而隨著我與Behance ProSite合約快到期了,我必須被迫處理這事情。當然,我花了一些時間在研究哪個網站更好。我的基本要求就是易於使用,介面乾淨、簡單,方便大家參與。最終,我從Squarespace選定了一個網,希望你們會喜歡我的選擇,也歡迎隨時與我聯繫。


Yep, it has finally arrived, my brand new website. The couple of busy months I had put it on a back burner, however I was forced into addressing the situation as my time with Behance ProSite was due to come to an end. Of course had spent some time looking around researching the best options for me. Basically easy to use, with a clean and simple interface for all involved, eventually I have settled on a site from Squarespace, hopefully you will agree with my choice, feel free to let me know.


點擊: http://www.duncanlongden.photography/ 打開可以看到所有我最新的關於肖像時尚還有其他的一些攝影作品。如果你們感興趣的話,還可以通過我的 IG 和Twitter 連結查看我每天的更新


Click here: www.duncanlongden.photography and this is where you will end up, you can see all my latest work, in both portraits and fashion plus a few examples of my product work. You can also find links to my Instagram feed and my Twitter feed, follow me on either to keep up to speed on where I am, and what I'm doing on a daily, if you're interested.

As you can see there is some more emphasis on my fashion work, I have been really enjoying being back in the fashion scene and making shoots with other talented creative people. I had forgotten how much I love the process and the results. You can see the final shots from my latest project "The Wanderling" on my site, I'll post a couple of extra shots from that shoot on this blog too, be a little patient and read the words, or just scroll down and have a look, after all I'm not a writer, I'm a photographer.

在拍攝"The Wanderling"之前,我們在多風的北海岸沙灘上與可愛的茱莉亞合作拍攝了一次。茱莉亞這次借到了James Ma所設計的衣服,而我們也很幸運Vera Chien做髮型和化妝,而我的助理Choncy被馬丁·斯科塞斯挖走後卻又回來了天哪,那天風確實是太大了,還有那討厭的沙子變得無處不在,我甚至不知道它是怎麼跑到我的博文電池,導致它現在還在維修店。以下是一些當時在沙灘上拍的照片…

Prior to "The Wanderling", we made a shoot with the delightful Julia on a rather windy north coast beach. Julia secured designs from James Ma for the shoot, we had the pleasure of Vera Chien working brushes for hair and make up, and my wonderful assistant Choncy is back after being poached by Martin Scorsese (can you believe the bloody cheek of that?). My gosh it was certainly windy and that pesky sand gets everywhere, it even found a way into my Bowens battery pack, it's now at the repair shop. Here are a few from the beach...






最近幾周我又出現在香港,這就是為什麼我最近很想拍攝全新的時尚作品的原因。這次的主要目的是想嘗試約見更多的編輯和攝影師代理。希望他們會喜歡他們所看到的作品期望給我帶來更多的工作(我最開心的事就是讓讀者們知道我一直在保持忙碌狀態)攝影對於我來說就像一枚毒藥,讓我上隱,我一直不停地尋找下一個成功作品,每一次都要比上一次更成功,這才有了"The Wanderling"。我曾經與追夢人(Mong Ren)合作,她是一個出色的模特兒,五官很特別(特別是對臺灣人來說)。我與原來的髮型設計師不再合作之後,她建議我們與Raymond Chiu合作恰好就是我團隊等待的人。Raymond 是一個非常優秀的髮型師,他設計的髮型總能與模特兒的服飾相呼應(真是一流的人才啊!)。而每次看著活潑的Anna Tian為模特兒化了令人驚豔的妝容,真是一如既往地舒心。我的團隊中還有最後一個就是Choncy,他協助我的工作,同時也拍攝一些視頻。是的,你沒聽錯,在香港拍了一些視頻,所以請細心留意,我很快會有些小作品。

Currently I find myself back in Hong Kong for a couple of weeks, this was part of the reason I was working so hard on fresh fashion work recently. The Plan is to try and make meetings with more editors and also photographers agents during this visit. Hopefully they will like what they see and it will lead to more work, I am never happier than when I am busy as regular readers already know. Photography for me is like a drug, I am always looking for the next hit, and want something bigger than the last, which lead me to "The Wanderling". This project had been in my mind for months, I had tried to assemble a team, only for it not to work out. Finally, just a couple of weeks before I was due to head to HK it all came together and it was shoot day. I had arranged to work with 追梦人  (Mong Ren), a great model with a unique look, especially for Taiwan. After our original stylist fell through, she suggested we work with Raymond Chiu, he turned out to be a perfect fit for my team. Raymond is a very talented hairstylist with great vision which extends to styling for clothing too, top dude. As ever having the vivacious Anna Tian on brushes to produce amazing makeup work was an absolute pleasure. Rounding my team up once again was Choncy, Assisting and also shooting some video. Yes you heard that right, some video, a little side project while in HK so watch out for that soon. 


"The Wanderling"的概念是受電影藝術的啟發,是一種在外面的感覺。我想創新一種拍攝理念,通過拍攝小鎮、小吃攤和卡車車站等場景展現公路電影的感覺。那感覺是一種與世界隔絕的自由。我的腦海中一直回蕩著“獨自一人,卻不孤單”的話語。就像我所說的,到我的新網站看看,還有很多新的肖像攝影作品。下"The Wanderling"系列作品中較為出色的幾幅作品……

I would like to say a huge thank you to all the team that came together from around Taiwan to make this shoot possible, you guys rocked, made the day fun and helped create some stunning photographs, I could not have done it without you.

The concept for "The Wanderling" was inspired by cinematography, from a feel of being out in the world, I wanted to create photography that reflected road movies, drifting through small towns, dinners and truck stops. The feeling, of freedom without connections, a phrase kept running through my mind "alone, but not lonely". Like I said, head over to my new site for the final selection and also to see lots of new portraits and some product work (more will come). Below are some of the out takes from this fabulous project....









謝謝大家花時間看我的作品. 歡迎大家分享, 有問題也可以留言給我. 

As ever, thank you for taking the time to look at my work, please go ahead and share it, leave a comment or ask any questions you may have.
Should you need a photographer, feel free to get in touch anytime, I am always happy to hear from people around the world regarding any work they would like to talk about. You can reach me here or through my website: www.duncanlongden.photography
Hit me up on Instagram (my following is growing, but I want it to really fly), Tumblr and Twitter for all the most up to date news and exclusive photographs.
Take care, talk of what you love, not what you don't.



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