
Once again I have been super busy, and my plan to blog more regularly skipped by. I am sorry about this, I do mean to write a bit more often. If you push me I will, so be sure to let me know if you like my words and pictures. I like what I make but we all enjoy a bit of reassurance that we are reaching out and hitting the mark, don't be shy and let me know, ok?

最近又忙到讓我常更新部落格的計畫丟出窗外,真不好意思. 我真的是很想不斷更新文章, 所以如果你喜歡我的文章與圖片, 請不要客氣留個言踢我一下屁股提供我多一點動力, 好嗎?

The South:
Right, on with the show, as I said I have been a busy boy. Camille and I headed to the South of Taiwan and I had my first experience of Kaohsiung and Tainan. I immediately fell for the lazy charms and lovely light of Kaohsiung, what a contrast to Taipei. Tainan was a little more hectic and boy are there a lot of scooters there, wow. I am so happy to have visited that part of the country, it isn't a long journey on the High Speed Rail  (HSR), Taiwan's answer to Japan's bullet train. It isn't too expensive either, especially compared to the UK's ridiculous train prices, as you can imagine the travel experience is worlds better than the UK too.


, 那就不囉嗦開始跟你們說最近我在忙甚麼吧. 卡蜜兒跟我最近去了台灣南部. 這是我第一次去高雄及台南, 我一到高雄就愛上了這個帶有一點慵懶以及光線透亮的魅力城市, 跟台北怎麼可以差這麼多啊! 台南相較之下好像繁忙了一點然後機車超多. 我非常開心能夠有機會拜訪南部, 好在有高鐵, 可以很快又蠻經濟的快速到台灣西岸的各個城市. 來台灣的朋友真的很幸運, 大眾交通工具方面都有效率及算經濟實惠. 如果英國有類似這種子彈列車, 我不能想像票價會有多高!

First up Kaohsiung... (那先說高雄吧)

As a travel photographer it is always good practice to shoot the hotel room first and resist jumping on the bed, which let's be honest, we all want to do.

最為一個旅遊攝影師, 旅館check in 之後第一件事當然是要抑止想要大字形跳上床前先拍旅館房間佈置 (你不會跳床? 別假了:)

The room, although nice wasn't the largest or most inspiring, however I always find something interesting (or at least try to), in this case I liked the light shades and had a little play around photographing them.

這間旅館房間雖然蠻不錯的, 但是沒有很大及甚麼非常特別的地方. 但我還是會找到有趣的角落拍攝. 像這裡我覺得檯燈的燈罩蠻有趣的所以就依此為主題嘗試不同攝影角度.

As usual, after freshening up from the journey and very hot walk from the station in Kaohsiung. It was so hot that the rubber tyre on my suitcase wheel melted and split in two. I set out for my usual walk to see the lay of the land and get a feel for the place. Kaohsiung is pretty chilled out, the ladies gossiping away the afternoon where amused at me taking pictures of the guys manually splicing steel cables together. Being a working port there are signs of the industry everywhere.

高雄真的是熱到爆炸, 從車站走到旅館我不只滿身大汗, 連行李箱滾輪竟然都融化裂開! 所以梳洗一下後我才跑出去四處逛逛感受一下高雄的地方人情 (總不能一副狼狽樣出去嚇人吧). 高雄感覺就是一個蠻悠閒的地方. 下午路邊坐著老婆婆道家常, 看到我在拍隔壁手動拼接鋼條的兩個人時可愛的表情就是覺得我是怪咖. 然後因為是港口的關係吧, 我逛到的地方看到蠻多中小型工業的.

Having worked up an appetite walking around the streets I looked for something to eat. If a place is busy with locals, it is usually a good sign so I popped in and enjoyed a delicious bowl of the Taiwanese favourite Beef Noodles. The Taiwanese take great pride in this dish, each chef has their own recipe, often handed down through the family. It is to our benefit of course, I strongly recommend trying a few bowls of this great dish should you have the luck to find yourself in Taiwan.  

走來走去肚子開始咕嚕咕嚕叫, 所以我開始找附近有甚麼吃的. 在旅遊得時候我常會依當地食客人數來決定餐廳. 經過這一間牛肉麵店時看到用餐人數不少, 所以就進去點了一碗台灣最受歡迎的麵食, 牛肉麵. 聽說台灣很多店家的食譜都是相傳了好幾代的, 所以每一間麵店都有自己的特色. 我強力推薦你來台灣時多試幾家不同的口味.

Refuelled and revitalised it was back to the streets to see where my feet would take me. Spotting an old house down an alley I walked off the main streets and into a little maze of narrow lanes between the buildings. I love that these communities quietly exist seconds away from the main streets, this somewhat ramshackle but traditional little house sums it up perfectly. 

吃飽補充體力後, 我繼續回街上趴趴走. 突然看到小巷內這間老屋, 所以就沿著兩旁房子像迷宮的窄巷走到老屋前. 我很喜歡這些有特色的小社區, 雖然在大路邊, 但靜靜藏匿在旁, 走進來卻有別有洞天的感覺. 這個傳統但看起來搖搖欲墜的老房子完全詮釋了這種特殊街景.

The old port-side buildings are gradually being developed, this one was currently empty and a bit run down. It was a great space, this bit of graffiti was really beautiful. Should there be someone out there reading this who is feeling generous and wanting to invest in me then get in touch, I would love to develop one of these units (if this one then this piece of art would be preserved). It would make a great studio with gallery and coffee shop to boot. The area is growing as a creative area, I am sure it would work and be successful, so seriously if you or anyone you know want to make an investment then let’s talk.

老港口一區的建築逐漸陸續地在發展更新中, 這一個有一點破舊的建築目前是空的. 這是一個很棒的空間, 牆上的塗鴉也很漂亮. 如果有任何慷慨的讀者想要投資我請與我聯絡, 我會蠻想要利用這個空間, 把這些有特色的塗鴉保留起來, 然後建個攝影棚, 美術展覽空間或是咖啡廳等地. 這一區慢慢地被改造成美術專區, 所以我覺得如果有這樣的空間一定會成功的. 所以如果你有興趣就與我聯絡吧!

I was lucky enough to get entered into a photographic scavenger hunt organised by one Crystal Rae. Crystal is a mover and shaker on G+ and keen photographer. The scavenger hunt is basically a fun contest in which you receive a list of words to be interpreted photographically. It is open to everyone on a first come first served bases. The first 500 applicants are entered, given the list under strict conditions and allowed about 3 months to collect your photographs and submit them. It was my first time, I hope to enter more hunts as they are good fun. Although I didn't win any of the 4 categories I entered, I am happy to say that the above image received an honourable mention from the judges in the category "Square, straight out of the camera". I also received an honourable mention for my entry to the category "Colourful". The photograph for "Colourful" was planned and executed perched on a central reservation, in heavy rain, on a busy road. The shot above was spotted hours before the final deadline whilst walking around the old docks in Kaohsiung. At the time of writing this I am in a hotel room in Hong Kong and sadly do not have the "Colourful" shot to hand, if you wish to see it click this link

最近很幸運的被邀請加入一個攝影的尋寶遊戲. 這個活動是由一個在G+社團可以呼風喚雨, 本身也對攝影很有興趣的Crystal Rae所安排主持. 遊戲規則是參加者必須用照片詮釋提供的題目主題每個主題將開放3個月的時間, 期間內前500個上傳者的圖片會被接受審評. 這是我第一次參加, 我也希望以後繼續加入這個有趣的遊戲. 雖然到目前我參加的四個類別都沒有贏任何獎項, 但我很高興在 “’方形, 無後置處理彩色繽紛這兩個主題中被評審給予嘉獎.

色彩繽紛這一題是在一個下大雨的高雄午後, 我小心翼翼的在一個主要道路分隔島平衡所捕捉下的圖片. 這個圖片還是在該主題最後截止最後幾個小時, 我在高雄舊港口趴趴走時看到的拍攝機會.

Part of the redevelopment of the old docks area consists of art installations, along with the fantastic walkway photographed for "Square" there were multiple sculptures and artworks around the area. This large red demon dog was among them, That is not a tail by the way and caused many a giggle as passers-by noticed it, even more so when they saw it had a human head, as a head if you get my meaning.

高雄舊港口重建有一區有很多美術作品展示. 其中一個展示就是我拍方形, 無後置處理主題靈感來源. 我還看到有一個看似像紅魔狗的美術雕塑. 這條紅魔狗沒有尾巴, 然後牠的.

For me one of the biggest attractions of Kaohsiung other than the wide roads with little traffic, laid back feel and friendly locals, is the gorgeous evening light. It really was lovely looking across at the financial side of the city, just to my right as I made this shot was a couple having their pre-wedding photos made. I would be very happy photographing loved up couples in this light, it really was rich and warm.

對我來說高雄除了路大車少外, 最迷人的地方就是當地人的友善, 滿滿的人情味及傍晚麗的光線. 傍晚的光線打在高雄的大樓上真是漂亮. 我旁邊也有好幾對在拍婚紗的準新人, 我想我如果能在這種濃厚溫和的光線下拍愛意滿滿的新人, 會很高興的.




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