
今年的聖誕節與新年是在英國過的. 下禮拜的文章會跟你們分享在英國拍的自然景觀照. 今年真的蠻冷的, 還下了一些雪! 冬天和徐的光, 外頭雖然冷冽, 但非常值得我勇敢地在外頭拍攝

Christmas and New Year was spent in the UK, I will write more on that in a week or so as I am working through the landscapes I made whilst there. We had lovely crisp winter light and even a bit of snow, it's been a while since I was braving the cold to make a shot but it was well worth it.

我很高興回到台灣了, 放假四周其實也非常夠了. 好險之前有安排了一些回來的工作, 今年看樣子也是會蠻忙碌的. 我喜歡這樣, 期待與新的客戶工作及舊客戶繼續配合.


I am happy to be back in Taiwan now, four weeks away is enough. Thankfully there are a few things in the pipeline, it looks as though the start of the year is going to be a busy one. The busier I am the better, I am looking forward to working with new clients and continuing to grow my relationship with existing ones. 

回來之後很高興的帶著我信賴的Fujifilm X100到大街小巷去拍日常街景. 這真的是一台不錯的相機, 輕巧可以讓我揹在肩上, 隨時捕捉畫面. 以下是我用Fujifilm X100 這七天拍的一些照片

Being back it was good fun to hit the streets of Taipei with my trusty Fujifilm X100, it really is a great camera to have slung on your shoulder to grab those moments on the streets, enjoy these shots, all from the last seven days.

客人排隊等著買我覺得是全台北最好吃的割包. 很好笑的是我在英國四周其實非常想台灣很多小吃……

Punters queue for (in my opinion) the best Guabao (割包) in Taipei. It's funny but boy I missed some of the food while I was away...

割包其實就是白胖胖的蒸包, 裡面包著魯豬三層, 再加上香菜, 酸菜, 與花生粉.

Guabao is a delicious pocket of steamed bread filled with braised pork belly, fried greens, coriander and shaved peanut.... 

這個台灣有名的小吃是台灣小吃中我最喜歡的一樣. 在英國的讀者們千萬不要被上次Jamie Oliver節目上說這是韓國小吃而誤導…..

This fabulous street delicacy is one of my favorite Taiwanese foods, for those in the UK, don't be mislead by Jamie Oliver's foodie faux pas when he stated Guabao is Korean, it is Taiwanese and no messing.

因為我們住在新北市, 所以一般都是坐公車進台北. 當然要坐哪台公車要看我要去台北哪裡. 這一張類似很經典的唱片照片就在我在松山機場下車的時候, 獻上我眼前. 所以隨時準備好拍照很重要阿!

Living just outside Taipei I am often on the bus into town, obviously it depends which part of town I am going to as to where I get off. I couldn't resist grabbing this shot at Songshan Airport, it presented itself to me as soon as I stepped of the bus, I guess it pays to always be ready.

我想這一張應該非常多人拍過. 我自己也拍過了很多次, 因為每次會因為光線與天氣的不同而有非常不同的感覺. 我想我以後應該會繼續經過看有沒有機會多拍幾次吧. 如果你有興趣拍這個景, 地點在南京東路捷運站.

I think this is one of the most popular shots taken in Taipei. I have shot this view a few times and I will shoot it plenty more I expect, after all it always looks different as the weather changes. If you want to make it for yourself, head on over to Nanjing North Road MRT station.

雖然早上還有有一點涼涼的, 但台灣的天氣越來越好了, 到了中午就蠻舒服的. 我很愛這一個趁太陽出來在微風外面陽台邊喝下午茶邊做日光浴的伯伯.

The weather is beginning to pick up in Taiwan, although it is still a little chilly in the morning, come midday it is quite pleasant. I love this sun worshiper, he was making the most of it with his tea on the decking at The Breeze Center Mall.

很可惜從微風陽台看出去的view並不是這麼好. 台北住宅大部分都是長這樣, 雖然不是每個人都喜歡但我覺得蠻迷人的.

Sadly the view is not that fantastic from The Breeze. This is a fairly standard look for apartments in Taiwan, it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I find them quite charming.

台灣到處都買的到檳榔, 你可能也有聽過那有名的檳榔西施吧. 雖然我對這些穿很少, 在路邊賣檳榔的西施感到很好奇, 但我讓拍這些西施的機會讓給別人吧.  倒是我開始拍這些路邊千奇百樣的檳榔攤.

Betelnut is everywhere in Taiwan, you may have heard of the famous "Betelnut Beauties". Although it is a curiosity to see pretty young girls in skimpy outfits selling this stuff to punters from booths at the roadside. I'll leave the photographing of "Betelnut Beauties" to everyone else, I have started to make some shots documenting the variety of premises Betelnut is sold from, I am going to call it "Betel Huts".

吃午餐的時間八德路二段312巷的小攤們非常忙碌. 那個吃麵的人看起來吃的津津有味.

It was lunchtime, the stores lining Lane 312, Bade Road, Sec 2 were all doing well. This guy was certainly enjoying his noodles.

如果你要喝飲料, 你可以在路邊不時看到販買機. 這兩台是我在內湖一間運輸公司旁找到的. 我看到有人在機器上放垃圾桶的蓋子來遮雨覺得太有趣了! 我想我還是繼續在7-11買飲料好了.

Want something to drink, look about and a you may find a vending machine, these were tucked behind a logistics company in Neihu. Loving the improvised dumpster weather protection. I think I will stick to 7-11 though thanks.

如果你車上想要一些自然的香氣, 你會不時地看到大馬路上或旁賣玉蘭花的人. 很多賣玉蘭花的人不是老人就是女人. 這個辛苦賣玉蘭花的老婆婆趁綠燈時在路旁休息.

Preferring something natural smelling to freshen their cars you often get people walking among the traffic waiting at the lights selling Yulan flowers (玉蘭花). More often than not the people selling are older generations and female, this lady takes a well deserved rest as the traffic flows.

結束一天在台北的行程後, 我坐著公車回家. 我之前看過這一個檳榔攤, 所以趁公車停紅燈時把她拍了起來. 這就是我為什麼覺得檳榔攤這麼有趣, 你看它看起來有一點破舊, 外表斑駁, 顏色繽紛, 然後總體看起來有一點危險.


My day in Taipei done, I was soon back on the bus and heading home. I had looked at this "Betel Hut" before, the bus stopped right by it so I grabbed the shot while I had a few seconds. This is a perfect example of why I find the huts so interesting, they are run down, pealing, colourful and in someways dangerous looking. 

在結束這篇文章之前, 如果你有看我之前文章 (沒看快去看) . 就會知道我被英國國家地理雜誌旅行者攝影比賽邀請當評審. 這次聖誕節與新年假期我花了一些時間看所有入圍的照片及決定勝選者, 其實最後一輪作品真的蠻難決定的! 同時我也被雜誌專訪, 專訪內容以下:


One last thing before I finish up, if you have read my previous blogs (if you haven't go back and check them out, you may enjoy them), you will know that I have been involved with National Geographic Traveller UK's photography competition as a judge. I spent time over Christmas and New Year looking at the entries and making my decisions, needless to say it was not easy. I was also interviewed by the magazine (it was edited a little but not to worry), which appeared in the last issue, if you didn't see it have a read here...



As ever, thank you for taking the time to take a look at my work, feel free to share it, leave a comment or ask a question.
Should you need a photographer, get in touch for a chat, I am always very happy to hear from people regarding work. I am also very happy to travel anywhere in the world I am required. 
Cheers for now,



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