
騎了一天雖很美但需要專注力一百的曲沿山路, 我疲累的身軀非常期待來到太魯閣晶英酒店. 太魯閣晶英酒店在我心中有個很特別的位置. 我第一次到台灣旅遊就跟龍太太來這裡住了幾晚. 在那之後我也很幸運的回來太魯閣遊玩, 住了晶英幾次. 所以真的蠻期待快點到, check in, 好好休息一下, 回顧這兩天的經歷, 並規劃後續路程.


Having ridden all day and over some challenging roads which demanded constant and complete concentration, I was feeling tired and very much looking forward to arriving at Silks Place Taroko. Silks Place holds a special place in my heart, Mrs.L and I stayed there during my first ever visit to Taiwan. I have been fortunate enough to return a number of times since, and was looking forward to some peace, a rest from the road and a chance to contemplate the journey past, and ahead.


就騎在太魯閣山路中, 我遇到了兩個也正在機車環島的英國人. 在交談的過程中一台載著遊客的遊覽巴士停在我們旁邊, 然後我們三個外國人就被要求一起入鏡……真搞不懂在這麼雄偉的風景區竟然不拍風景要拍我們這三隻? 然後被他們亂了一下也忘記三個人一起自拍, 慶祝我們的緣分. 但我跟JJ Jamie 現在在臉書上已經是好朋友, 常常聯繫.


Riding into the gorge I had met two other Brits enjoying a motorcycle tour, no sooner had we said hello to each other than we found ourselves posing for photographs. Apparently three white guys on motorcycles are more impressive than the gorge to those in the tour buses. Personally I didn't think we were, but now regret not making a picture of the three of us. JJ and Jamie have become friends and we stay in touch through Facebook. 




You can't really blame me for being distracted is rather spectacular isn't it.


位於天祥, 太魯閣晶英曾經是蔣中正的行館. 這個現在五星級的旅館提供旅人舒適及豪華的設施與服務. 是一個可以將自己環繞在大自然中, 暫時忘卻塵囂繁雜事務, 寵愛自己的一個很棒的地方. 我邊騎車邊想快要下禢我最喜歡的旅店了!


Located in Tiensiang a small town in the middle of the gorge, Silks Place Taroko was once used by Chiang Kai-shek to relax and entertain, the hotel now offers a luxurious experience available for everyone. A place to pamper yourself, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and fantastic facilities, which is what I was looking forward to when I rode my scooter from the road and up to the entrance.



今天這一段路又長又辛苦. 我到晶英的時候第一件事就是想去淋浴, 將身上的皮衣換下來. 但哪知道一到就馬上被旅館接待人員帶去開會, 討論他們想要我拍攝的內容. 天啊他們是想要我把酒店每一角全部拍到嗎? 拍攝名單未免也太長的吧, ….我是來幫國家地理出case 不是來幫晶英拍旅館手冊啊…..然後因為是來幫國家地理拍旅遊圖片, 有一些要拍室內的專業燈光我也沒帶啊…..! 但都來了, 那就快速洗個澡來開始拍照馬拉松吧.

The ride had been long and I wanted to get out of my leathers and shower as soon as I could. However when I arrived I was greeted and immediately went into a meeting to discuss the photographs I was to make of the hotel, it seemed the list was endless and I was to practically shoot a new brochure. Now, I am really happy shooting interiors, food and exteriors, I enjoy it very much. To do that properly takes time and a plan, I was on a travel piece and so had neither, not to mention only one speedlight. I did get to shower and change eventually but the marathon of photography began as soon as I reached my room.


I always photograph my room before unpacking so it doesn't get messed up...

然後快速洗個N個小時前就想洗得澡, 然後去拍旅館餐廳提供的食物.

Then I grabbed a welcome shower, and went to make the food shots...

拍了兩個小時後我終於有得吃了! 但吃完還沒結束呢, 晚飯後酒店的人員要我繼續拍晚上屋頂的營火演唱會以及星光電影院.

Finally after 2 hours of shooting food I got to eat, but my day still had not finished. After dinner I was requested to photograph the entertainment and rooftop cinema.

在終於結束回到房間後也已經12點了. 回到房間第一件事就是打開筆電, 將所有今天拍的全部上傳轉檔到電腦裡. 然後從冰箱拿了一罐冰涼涼的啤酒, 邊吃著客房晚安服務留下的巧克力, 邊放鬆的泡著澡, 希望把肌肉痠痛全泡走吧!

Eventually at around midnight I managed to get back to my room, I set up my laptop, uploaded the shots from the day. Took a cold beer from the fridge and the delicious chocolates left by the turn down service, relaxed in the bath and soaked away the aches of the day...







The following morning I got up early to start the rest of the shots on the list, so here we go...


屋頂山泉游泳池 (這應該是我全世界最喜歡的游泳池)


The roof top pool (probably my favourite pool in the world)







The roof top hot tubs...

















Yoga studio..











Finally of course, the conference room.

終於我完成了旅館要求我拍攝的名單! 我終於可以自由地去探索美麗的太魯閣了! 我帶著我的相機出發!


At last I had completed the list requested from the hotel and was free to head off and explore the beautiful Taroko Gorge National Park properly. I packed my cameras and headed off for a hike.


下一集應該不會拖太久, 希望你喜歡太魯閣晶英酒店這一集. 雖然這次因為公務酒店的人讓我沒甚麼休息到, 但我真的很推薦這一間旅館. 能在壯麗山頭環繞的屋頂旅館邊游山泉池, 邊看燕子快速飛過喝水真的是一件很幸福, 及洗滌身心的事.


The next part of this story will follow soon, I hope you enjoyed Silks Place, they worked me hard but I love to stay there and highly recommend it. It is a treat to swim in the spring fed pool and watch swallows stoop and drink as you do, all in the most beautiful mountain surroundings.




Until then, check out my WebsiteInstagram , TumblrTwitter and Linkedin. Remember to LIKE COMMENT and FOLLOW.




Feel free to get in touch, if you have any questions, bookings, assignments etcetera, I am always interested to hear from you (contact me).




Love to all...




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