目前分類:國內旅遊 (3)

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今年的聖誕節與新年是在英國過的. 下禮拜的文章會跟你們分享在英國拍的自然景觀照. 今年真的蠻冷的, 還下了一些雪! 冬天和徐的光, 外頭雖然冷冽, 但非常值得我勇敢地在外頭拍攝

Christmas and New Year was spent in the UK, I will write more on that in a week or so as I am working through the landscapes I made whilst there. We had lovely crisp winter light and even a bit of snow, it's been a while since I was braving the cold to make a shot but it was well worth it.

我很高興回到台灣了, 放假四周其實也非常夠了. 好險之前有安排了一些回來的工作, 今年看樣子也是會蠻忙碌的. 我喜歡這樣, 期待與新的客戶工作及舊客戶繼續配合.


I am happy to be back in Taiwan now, four weeks away is enough. Thankfully there are a few things in the pipeline, it looks as though the start of the year is going to be a busy one. The busier I am the better, I am looking forward to working with new clients and continuing to grow my relationship with existing ones. 

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After only a couple of days in Kaohsiung it was back on the train and off to Tainan. Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan, it's name translates as "Southern Taiwan", the city was established by the Dutch East India Company and boasts the highest number of Buddhist and Taoist  temples in Taiwan. 

在高雄幾天後我們到了台南. 台南市台灣最老的城市之一,  是由荷蘭東方印度公司參與建立, 並有非常多的佛堂及廟宇.

We arrived at the Hotel Shangi-la and were told we would be in a twin room. We looked a little dejected, the receptionist had a quick chat and we were upgraded. This is an example of great Taiwanese customer service, I am not saying expect an upgrade everywhere but in my experience they will do everything they can to help you out.

Like before it was interiors time....

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Once again I have been super busy, and my plan to blog more regularly skipped by. I am sorry about this, I do mean to write a bit more often. If you push me I will, so be sure to let me know if you like my words and pictures. I like what I make but we all enjoy a bit of reassurance that we are reaching out and hitting the mark, don't be shy and let me know, ok?

最近又忙到讓我常更新部落格的計畫丟出窗外,真不好意思. 我真的是很想不斷更新文章, 所以如果你喜歡我的文章與圖片, 請不要客氣留個言踢我一下屁股提供我多一點動力, 好嗎?

The South:
Right, on with the show, as I said I have been a busy boy. Camille and I headed to the South of Taiwan and I had my first experience of Kaohsiung and Tainan. I immediately fell for the lazy charms and lovely light of Kaohsiung, what a contrast to Taipei. Tainan was a little more hectic and boy are there a lot of scooters there, wow. I am so happy to have visited that part of the country, it isn't a long journey on the High Speed Rail  (HSR), Taiwan's answer to Japan's bullet train. It isn't too expensive either, especially compared to the UK's ridiculous train prices, as you can imagine the travel experience is worlds better than the UK too.


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